Kate Young, Author at Allergy Test Australia - Page 4 of 4

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

Should I Get An Allergen Test?

Often thrown to the wayside amongst the developmental years, receiving an allergen test is often not made a priority with physicians. After all, the focus is on development and meeting standardized tests. However, an allergen test should be an integral part in every child and adult’s life, simply because it offers up a full picture […]

How does the Skin Prick Allergy Test Work?

There are many options out there for allergy testing these days to determine which one is the right method for you. One of the methods is the classic skin prick allergy test. This has been long-thought as the prime method of allergy testing and certainly has its benefits. Here’s what you should know-how about it […]

Identifying Lactose Intolerance

A bad relationship with food isn’t uncommon if you’re suffering from unknown food intolerance. It makes sense if the food we’re putting into our body to fuel it is being received badly, then it’s likely you’ll associate that bad reception (or, better put, symptoms) with food and be reluctant to try anything new or even […]

Why should I get an Allergy Test?

Shocking Allergy Test Statistics It’s now estimated that almost 4 million people in Australia are avoiding food groups due to allergies according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This Australian health survey exposed a group of people to nuts, gluten and dairy, to monitor reactions and collect the results. The stats created are shocking, and people need […]

Are you lactose intolerant?

So, you have just received your test results from Allergy Test Australia and you have discovered that you are lactose intolerant? No dramas, we are here to help! This article will help you on your way to living a Lactose-free life in Australia! Lactose Intolerant? Lactose is the carbohydrate naturally found in all kinds of milk, including […]

Symptoms of a Pollen Allergy

With Summer in full swing so are our allergies!  For many people in Australia with a pollen intolerance, August to March (or dry season in tropical areas) may be a difficult time. Pollen is one of the most common causes of allergies in Australia.  Pollen is a very fine powder produced by trees, flowers, grasses, […]

What can we do if we are Lactose Intolerant?

So, you have just received your test results from Allergy Test Australia and you have discovered that you are intolerant to lactose? No dramas, we are here to help! This article will help you on your way to living a dairy free life in Australia! Lactose is the carbohydrate naturally found in all kinds of […]