Pollen Intolerance | Coping with Hay Fever in the Summer Months | Blog

With the first day of Summer on the horizon and the Cricket Season nearly in full flow, at Allergy Test Australia we’re looking forward to picnics and barbecues on the grass and taking long walks in the countryside. However, for some, that might also mean stocking up on the antihistamines and avoiding the outdoors at any given opportunity, especially if they have a pollen intolerance, In other words, you have hay fever!

We don’t want you to miss out on the best parts of summer! Here at Allergy Test Australia, our intolerance testing methods will help you to identify exactly which items you’re having a reaction to. Imagine if you have been living with a pollen intolerance all of your life, and suddenly we are able to help you manage your intolerance. If you have an allergy such as hay fever then we do recommend you consult a Health Professional immediately.

Your hay fever symptoms will be at their worst when the pollen count is at its highest. If you’re not sure if you have hay fever, a few of the symptoms typically include sneezing and coughing, runny or blocked nose, and itchy or watery eyes. If you do have these, then you should likely learn how to manage your pollen intolerance. Our comprehensive report and detailed guide will help you with this. Additionally, we provide a range of hints and tips in our blog section.

If you’re already planning a summer barbecue, then as a hay fever sufferer, you should know that a combination of smoke (which can make your symptoms worse) and being outside will result in your symptoms rearing their ugly head. Although there’s no cure for hay fever, and you can’t prevent it from happening, there are things you can do to ease your symptoms during the upcoming months:

  • Put Vaseline around your nostrils – this will trap the pollen
  • Wear sunglasses when you’re outside to stop the pollen from getting into your eyes
  • Speak to your pharmacist and purchase antihistamines, nasal sprays and lots of tissues

The most important tip is to make sure you’re prepared. If you’ve suffered from hay fever in the past then, firstly, you will need to identify exactly which pollen you’re intolerant to. Our intolerance testing methods will help you to understand this further, however, if your hay fever starts early, this is most likely due to a reaction to tree pollen. Grass and weed pollens will trigger your symptoms later on in the year – so after taking an allergy test at Allergy Test Australia, you’ll be able to determine which time of year you will need to be prepared for.

If your over-the-counter antihistamines and medications are not doing the job, then this is the time where you should seek advice from your Medical Professional. They may be able to prescribe any other medications that will help with your symptoms.

If you’ve been feeling any of the above symptoms and want to clarify whether you have a pollen intolerance, an Allergy Test Australia intolerance test will help give you a better understanding.

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to have a chat with our Customer Service Advisors on www.allergytestaustralia.com. They are available on a 24/5 basis, so please do ask any questions about food intolerances which you may have.