3 Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance | Allergy Test Australia | Blog

An intolerance test from Allergy Test Australia can determine whether or not you have a food intolerance. Perhaps one of the most commonly known intolerances is Lactose Intolerance, and these tests can help you to identify and discover what intolerances and sensitivities you may have. You can avoid symptoms below such as diarrhoea, flatulence, and bloating by ordering an allergy test today in order to identify your intolerances and sensitivities. 

What are the symptoms of a Lactose Intolerance

An intolerance or sensitivity is not as serious as an allergy. This does not mean you should ignore it, however, and an elimination diet is the best advice that Allergy Test Australia can give you. Once you have ordered a test, you will then be able to identify what foods you can and cannot tolerate and subsequently plan your diet around it. Many of our customers ask, how would I even suspect that I have a food or lactose intolerance? Read the symptoms below to see how you can be affected. These are all indicators of a food or lactose intolerance, so be careful and watch out:

1) Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea can be extremely embarrassing for many people. It can often be caused by lactose intolerance. This is because diarrhoea can come and go, and it is difficult to manage. Nobody likes to constantly run back and forth to the toilet, and so if you can avoid getting diarrhoea, you should! Diarrhoea, however, is not necessarily only caused by a food intolerance and can be caused by many other health conditions. Find out if a food intolerance is causing your Diarrhoea by ordering a test today! It is important that you consult your GP should your symptoms not subside after an elimination diet or allergy medication.

2) Flatulence

Flatulence is one of the major symptoms of lactose intolerance. It can be quite difficult for people who are suffering from lactose intolerance, as dairy is a main staple of the Western Diet. Many people will have a glass of milk before they go to bed, or some cheese and biscuits after a hefty meal. If you are lactose intolerant, then you can no longer do this.

3) Bloating

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of Lactose Intolerance. If you are consuming dairy products; including milk, cheese, and some sugars, and then feeling ill then you may be suffering from a dairy intolerance. This can make you feel bloated, often at the most opportune moments. By identifying lactose intolerance, you can eliminate lactose from your diet and therefore stop the bloating.

Want to know a bit more about living with a food intolerance? Please speak with our Customer Service advisors who are available to talk to on a 24-hour basis, 5 days a week. You can contact them on LiveChat via www.allergytestaustralia.com