Allergy Test Australia has been the market leader in Bioresonance testing using hair samples since 2008. We offer the highest quality sensitivity tests available worldwide.
Bioresonance Therapy is a Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM); we process the samples and perform the testing following Good Lab Practice (GLP) requirements and quality managed protocols.
We offer a wide range of bioresonance hair tests. The tests differ in the number of items tested in a single bioresonance test.
The sample collection process for hair testing is non-invasive and offers a fast alternative to other sensitivity tests.
Bioresonance therapy uses the information from a living organism which is stored as a resonance or energy.
Hair strands are used to obtain a sample of this resonance frequency using MARS III (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems) machines in a purpose-built lab and compare them against registered item frequencies on a database.
Our test database compares food items, non-food items, vitamins, minerals, metals, enzymes, and bacteria to establish levels in the body and any imbalance against the recorded optimal frequency in the MARS III database.
Hair samples submitted to our labs are tested against up to 975 recorded items. Any item showing a frequency response of 85% or above is noted on the results as an abnormality.

When your sample arrives at our labs, the item is checked in and linked securely to your account. At this point, you will receive a notification that the testing process has started.
The sample is batched and passed to the hair testing lab, where a technician will place it in the testing apparatus and test for up to 800 feedback results.
Your report is then quality checked and sent to your email.
A specialist clinical waste disposal company then disposes of your sample. Our confidential waste provider destroys any documentation submitted to use with your sample to protect your data.
Client records are maintained on our secure service provider, powered by our bespoke platform, following stringent data processing procedures and GDPR requirements.
We use equipment known as the MARS III (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems) in a laboratory-controlled environment, part of our ISO 9001 accredited facility.
Our hair testing laboratory is part of our purpose-built professional laboratory facility that provides a variety of health tests. Our equipment is provided by Bruce Copen Laboratories.

Allergy Test Australia goes the extra mile to provide you with an exceptional level of service and various testing methods.
Each test includes a ‘Test Facts’ that details the test’s features, benefits, and limitations to enable clients to make an informed decision before proceeding.
We have always provided a fail-safe, 100% money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with your hair test results.